
Benefits of Using CBD Oil for Stomach Ulcers

Stomach ulcers are lesions made by gastric acid when the stomach’s protective lining weakens. They usually require medical attention and treatment. However, there’s something to be said about using CBD oil for stomach ulcers as well. Before we talk about why that might be beneficial, let’s see why this condition even occurs.

Gastric acid can only affect the integrity of the stomach if there’s something wrong with its mucous protective layer. So what could lead to a deterioration of that substance? The barrier may weaken either due to:

  • Overuse of certain painkillers like aspirin
  • Bacterial infections that can be passed through contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids

Still, both of these causes have similar consequences. So let’s see what kind of symptoms stomach ulcer patients may experience.

Typical Symptoms of a Stomach Ulcer

No matter what the underlying cause of a stomach ulcer is, the symptoms a patient experiences will be the same. Those may include:

  • Discomfort in the upper stomach area
  • Heartburn and burping
  • Bloating and cramping
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite and, consequently, weight
  • Black bowel movements

The severity of these symptoms doesn’t only depend on whatever caused the weakening of the stomach’s protective lining. Instead, it may indicate the stage of the illness — which is why you have to visit your doctor as soon as you realize your pain isn’t simple indigestion.

Moreover, people who smoke, drink a lot of alcohol, or habitually eat spicy foods may experience stronger symptoms. After all, these things can do a good job of wearing down the stomach lining even before any bacteria or harsh pain killers come into play.

Basic Stomach Ulcer Treatment Plans

Now that we know what causes stomach ulcers and what they feel like, let’s see how doctors usually treat them. If testing indicates that the cause of the ulcer was bacterial, the patient will do a round of antibiotics.

Whether or not that’s the case, though, they may also get antacids or PPI medication as a part of their treatment plan. These drugs should lower acid production enough for the stomach lining to heal itself.

Still, if the patient reported more serious symptoms, they may have to submit to surgical solutions as well. In that case, CBD oil wouldn’t do much of anything. But you may be able to use it before it gets to that point.

The Benefits of Taking CBD Oil for Stomach Ulcers

Ultimately, we wouldn’t recommend the use of CBD oil for stomach ulcers as your sole remedy. However, there are still some benefits to adding it to your treatment plan.

Pain Relief

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD are one of its most studied features. That allows us to confidently state that cannabidiol should at least be able to stave off the most significant symptoms of stomach ulcers.

What’s more, it might be a good replacement for the kind of harsh pain medications that may cause recurring ulcers. After all, CBD oil is a completely natural way to relax any tense muscles and treat chronic pain. If it works on the kind of chronic pain that comes with arthritis, it should work on anything else too.

Of course, experiencing an overwhelming amount of pain can sometimes have surprising effects. It can make some people feel queasy and even induce vomiting. If you already have an ulcer, you probably shouldn’t be bringing up the contents of your stomach. Luckily, CBD also seems to have the ability to soothe churning stomachs.

Read more: CBD for Acid Reflux: Can It Help?

Gastrointestinal Effects

Cannabinoids such as CBD have an effect on our endocannabinoid system, which mirrors our central nervous system. So in theory, they should be able to influence any organs that are positioned along that path — including the stomach and the intestines.

According to one 2016 study, some cannabinoids may even have the power to reduce the production of gastric acid. Of course, THC may have had something to do with those results. Knowing that full-spectrum CBD oil was more effective than CBD isolate, we expected as much. Cannabinoids tend to bring out the best in each other so it only makes sense that THC would heighten the effects of CBD.

The same study in Current Neuropharmacology also found that these compounds may decrease the formation of stomach ulcers. Therefore, we could potentially use them as a preventative measure as well.

A Few Parting Words

Even though you could use CBD oil for stomach ulcers, we can’t recommend doing it without your doctor’s knowledge and consent. We simply don’t know enough about the effects of CBD in this case to guarantee any kind of results. Yet everything we do know tells us that it would be a decent replacement for any harsh pain medication you’re currently using. Moreover, it would likely soothe your upset stomach while it’s healing.


CBD for Acid Reflux — Can It Treat Heartburn?

Most people in the world have, at some point, experienced acid reflux, and it’s that annoying sensation in our chest that feels like something’s on fire. Traditional, over-the-counter, medicine usually only tackles the symptoms, which is why CBD for acid reflux has been a revelation. Let’s see how and why it works, and which companies make the best oils on the market.

What Is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is a medical condition that causes nausea, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. It is essentially what happens when the acid in our stomachs travels to the throat, rather than staying in the stomach. In the process, the esophagus usually gets irritated, causing a burning feeling in the chest.

There are numerous things that can cause acid reflux, but it most often happens because the muscles that control the esophagus and stomach aren’t properly closing. That causes the food and the acid to travel back the wrong way, making us feel bad. Most people report experiencing acid reflux after a heavy meal, coffee, or alcohol. 

In some cases, you can avoid acid reflux with a lifestyle change and staying away from certain foods or drinks. However, when the condition worsens, over-the-counter drugs are usually the only thing that helps.

That being said, the medicine for acid reflux often comes with a long list of side effects. So more and more people are turning to CBD in the hopes of finally treating the condition.

Difference Between GER and GERD

Before we go on, we just wanted to take a second and explain the difference between the terms GER and GERD. Unlike GER, which is what most people feel every once in a while, GERD is classified as a disease.

People who are suffering from GERD, experience acid reflux a few times a week, regardless of their diets. Not only is that uncomfortable, but it can lead to some serious problems down the line. In fact, GERD can cause ulcers, esophageal obstruction, and even cancer.

How CBD Can Treat Acid Reflux

By interacting with our endocannabinoid system (ECS), CBD works to keep our body in total balance. More specifically, CBD oil has a direct influence on reducing acid secretion and treating inflammation. 

What’s more, CBD can affect gastrointestinal motility, intestinal and gastric acid secretion, as well as appetite control. But one of the biggest benefits of using CBD for acid reflux is that it has virtually no side effects. It’s also non-addictive, and non-psychoactive.

Related post: CBD for Stomach Ulcers: Does It Work?

The Best CBD for Acid Reflux — The Top Five Picks

  1. Spruce

If you’re just starting out on your CBD journey, we’d recommend the 750 mg Spruce CBD oil, since it is pretty mild. However, Spruce also makes a 2,400 mg max potency version, which is perfect for those who want something stronger. Both oils are full-spectrum, 100% natural, don’t contain any pesticides, and have been lab-tested.

  1. Kono Naturals

Kono Naturals makes a wide variety of CBD oils, with potencies ranging from 250 mg to 1,500 mg. You can also choose between three different flavors, including Natural, Peppermint, and Citrus. They’re all full-spectrum formulas that are vegan, gluten-free, and contain less than 0.3% of THC. Also, they all come in 1 fl oz bottles.

  1. CBD BioCare

The full-spectrum oils from CBD BioCare come in a couple of sizes and potencies. The lowest potency is 500 mg, while the highest one is 3,500 mg. You can buy all the oils in a Try It size, which is 0.17 fl oz, and it’s perfect for when you’re figuring out your dosage.

  1. Gold Bee

The 1,200 mg, full-spectrum CBD oil from Gold Bee is premium quality, and it comes in a 1 fl oz bottle. The only other ingredients, apart from CBD, are MCT oil, terpenes, and natural honey flavor. Gold Bee’s oil has been tested in a third-party lab to verify its potency, and THC content, which is less than 0.3%.

  1. Royal CBD

Using a supercritical CO2 extraction process, Royal CBD is able to make high-quality oils. The non-GMO and gluten-free formula comes in four potencies. Also, the CBD in them is derived from organic hemp, which is grown using sustainable farming practices. You can pick between a few flavors, including Natural, Berry, Mint, and Vanilla.

Final Thoughts 

CBD for acid reflux is proving to be an extraordinary treatment, and it’s showing a lot of promise. However, if you’ve never used CBD oil before, getting the correct dosage right off the bat might be tricky. That’s why we suggest starting with the lower dosages and working your way up, or talking with your doctor and getting a recommendation from them.


CBD Rosin — What Is It and How Can It Help You?

Ever since the Farm Bill came into effect back in 2018, the CBD industry has blossomed. Nowadays, there’s such a huge selection of CBD products, including tinctures, topicals, resins, and so much more. Today, we’re going to take a look at one of the lesser-known concentrates, but one that’s a star nonetheless — CBD rosin. Let’s jump right in.

What Is CBD Rosin?

In the simplest terms, CBD rosin is a type of concentrated compound that’s found in hemp. It’s extracted using careful and deliberate application of heat and pressure to parts of the hemp plant (usually the flower) that’s been dried and cured.

Since it is somewhat easy to make CBD rosin, it’s really popular among CBD lovers. Also, because it’s now legal to cultivate hemp flowers in all 50 states, an increasing number of people has started growing their own, which helped put rosin on the map.

By pressing hemp for CBD rosin, you can reap all the wonderful benefits of CBD, along with learning a lot about the whole experience. But if you’re not into the idea of making your own, you can still shop for rosin online. 

Resin vs. Live Resin

A lot of people often mix up resin and live resin, so we thought we’d give a little insight. Basically, resin describes the trichomes (soft and sticky glands) that appear on the cannabis flower.

Resin is what secretes terpenes and cannabinoids, both of which you can find in high-quality CBD products. But if we were to extract it at a high temperature, that resin might lose all traces of terpenes.

On the other hand, live resin is the latest and hottest trend among canna-lovers, and we can find it in states like Oregon, California, and Colorado. To extract live resin, manufacturers need to use loads of high-tech equipment, and it’s not a process that we could replicate at home.

Making live resin involves harvesting the entire hemp flower, and the end result is a full-spectrum product. The biggest benefit of using live resin is that CBD manufacturers are able to preserve the plant’s original chemical profile. Unfortunately, full-spectrum products are still pretty expensive, and not as accessible as CBD rosin.

Benefits of CBD Rosin

CBD rosin is the absolute best choice for those who are looking to get the most out of their cannabis concentrates. It packs a powerful punch, without getting us high or making us experience any side effects.

Since it comes from non-psychoactive hemp, rosin doesn’t contain any psychoactive compounds. That means it delivers a high concentration of CBD, but without the effects of feeling high. What’s more, it’s pretty fast-acting, which is ideal for those using it to treat conditions like insomnia or chronic pain.

Another incredible benefit of rosin is that there aren’t any potentially harmful solvents in it. It’s completely clean and devoid of any sort of toxic matter. 

But the reason so many people are choosing rosin is that it’s so easy to make, even at home. There’s no need for any sort of special or expensive equipment, just a bit of time and understanding.

Lastly (and this is a big one), rosin is pretty inexpensive. Unlike some tinctures or pomades, it’s on the cheaper side since the only thing we need to make is a solid hemp flower. 

Learn more: Health Benefits of CBD Explained

Why Are So Many People Making Their Own CBD Rosin?

For starters, making high-quality resin at home doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. The best thing to use is, of course, hemp flowers, but there are other options as well. 

Instead of hemp, we can also use hash, kief, or shake. But one thing to keep in mind is that hemp flowers are what yield the highest concentration of cannabinoids.

Shakes, on the other hand, are basically cannabis leftovers, which contain some amount of flower in them. Also, hashish is already a pressed resin made from the cannabis plant. Then, there’s kief, which is made up of trichomes that have fallen off hemp buds during the grind.

That means that we could use any three of these alternatives to make rosin. It might take a bit longer, but the results are still spectacular.

Final Thoughts 

CBD rosin is chock-full of incredible health benefits, and it’s really easy to make. Sourcing and pressing the ingredients is pretty inexpensive, and even total cannabis beginners could do it. For all those reasons and many more, we’d definitely recommend trying to make your own rosin at home.


How to Use CBD Oil for Candida Suppression

The human body is an ecosystem that sustains many different kinds of organisms, including fungi. Many of these creatures help our bodies perform the most basic functions — like the bacteria that live in our gut. However, when the helpful kind of bacteria goes out of whack, it leaves space for fungi like candida to grow out of control. But can we use CBD oil for candida regulation?

Before we get to the bottom of that question, let’s take a moment to explain why we need to keep candida under control. You see, letting it run rampant can cause us to experience many unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • White, bumpy patches across the gums, tongue, inner cheeks, tonsils, and throat (oral thrush)
  • Fungal breakouts on the nails and skin, particularly between the fingers, under the arms, and between the legs
  • Digestive issues due to the bacterial disbalance in the gut which is often exacerbated by overly sweet foods
  • Recurring UTIs and genital infections which are especially common in female patients
  • Fatigue — since candida usually comes as a package deal with several nutritional deficiencies
  • Stiffness and joint pain that set in once the fungi enter the bloodstream

But why does this condition plague so many people across all demographic groups? What could cannabidiol possibly do for those who suffer from it? Let’s find out.

Candida Causes and Prevention

As we have established, candida exists in most bodies. However, it only causes problems if something disrupts the delicate balance of bacteria that live in and on humans. Unfortunately, many things can trigger an expansion of fungi, from illness or taking antibiotics to pregnancy.

What’s more, you can aggravate the condition by eating too many sweets and carbs, drinking too much alcohol, or even taking oral contraceptive pills. And if that makes you anxious, try to meditate — stress can trigger candida, too!

Ultimately, the best thing you can do to prevent candida flare-ups is avoid potential triggers. Keep your immune system strong, don’t abuse antibiotics, and keep your diet healthy. Certain foods, like garlic, ginger, and oregano oil, could help you fight infections as well.

Additionally, you should maintain the good bacteria in your body by taking probiotics. But how does CBD oil fit into this treatment plan?

How Can We Use CBD Oil for Candida?

Most people think that the benefits of CBD oil are limited to the mental health sphere. And it’s true, cannabidiol can be used to treat symptoms of depression and anxiety. Mind you, those effects will also ensure that your stress levels are low enough to keep your candida at bay in the first place. But that’s not the only reason to add CBD oil to your candida care kit.

CBD’s efficacy at treating chronic pain, nausea, diabetes, and menstrual issues could all come into play here. Moreover, both CBD and certain terpenes have antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that could help you fight off infections. According to a 2019 study in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment, some cannabinoids could also be used to soothe itching. That’s excellent news for people struggling from fungal breakouts! 

Best CBD Oil for Candida Suppression

Now, all we need to do is find a CBD oil manufacturer you can trust to help you with your fungal foe.

1. Gold Bee Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

Gold Bee CBD oil is available in three potency levels ranging from 300 to 1200 mg of CBD per ounce. Applying the full-spectrum oil under your tongue will greatly reduce any discomfort you feel in your mouth as a result of a fungal infection. And the company also makes gummies and gel capsules you could try.

Related article: Top Brands Review on CBD Oil for Migraines

2. Royal CBD Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

The full-spectrum CBD oil from Royal CBD is available in potencies ranging from 250 to 2500 mg of CBD per ounce of product. However, not all potency levels are available in all the flavors the company offers. In addition to the CBD oil products, the company also makes capsules and gummies. But if you mostly have skin symptoms, you may prefer one of its topical treatments.

Related article: Top Brands Review on CBD Oil for Weight Loss

3. NuLeaf Naturals Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil

This Full-Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil comes in five potency levels ranging from 300 to 6000 mg. The manufacturer is committed to organic farming, so the hemp itself was protected from harmful environmental influences. And thanks to the careful extraction process the company uses, the product still retains all the natural components found in the plant.

4. cbdMD CBD Oil Tincture

The cbdMD oil tincture is available in six potency levels ranging from 300 to 7500 mg per ounce bottle. More interestingly, it comes in a range of interesting flavors, though we recommend the mint one if you’re looking for CBD oil for candida control.

5. SabaiDee Super Good Vibes CBD Oil

Like the previous product we’ve mentioned, most of the SabaiDee CBD oil products have a minty flavor. The peppermint oil in the tincture has a cooling and calming effect, while the different potency levels allow the user to adjust their experience. The company also makes balms and creams that also contain a mixture of soothing and moisturizing oils.

A Few Parting Words

If your body is incapable of defending itself against fungi flare-ups despite your best efforts, you could try using CBD oil for candida. Ingesting the tincture will soothe any of the symptoms inside your mouth but also help the body fight the infection from the inside.


Blackberry Kush Strain Brings the Zest

The Blackberry Kush strain is often recommended to people who are suffering from chronic pain. However, its popularity is also influenced by the complexity of its flavor profile. It simultaneously suits people who like fruity aromas and those who prefer the traditional fuel-like taste of kush. Of course, those aren’t the only things that make this strain so special.

What Makes the Blackberry Kush Strain Recognizable?

At first glance, there’s not much that visually distinguishes this strain from many others. It’s fairly short and stout with dense purple and orange buds. The plant takes about two months to flower and even then it doesn’t have a particularly high yield. Still, it only takes a little to experience the sweet potency of this strain.

Related post: Flo Strain Weed Information

Indica-Dominant Hybrid

As you may know, most cannabis hybrids fall somewhere on the spectrum between Indicas and Sativas. But in this case, we have a strain that leans so far toward its Indica roots, it’s practically a pureblood. Even though it’s a combination of the Afghani and Blackberry cannabis families, the Blackberry Kush strain is about 80% Indica.

Of course, that makes sense, considering it’s the product of an Indica and a hybrid. But what does that mean for us?

Well, in the past, people have ascribed all sorts of meanings to these classifications. Namely, they’ve considered Indica varieties to have more physically sedating effects while Sativas produced more energizing highs. Nowadays, we mostly use these terms to describe the shape and size of the plants, with Indicas being shorter than Sativas.

Naturally, hybrids usually escape the confines of these categories. But, thanks to the overwhelming influence of Indica parentage in this plant, Blackberry Kush mostly has Indica characteristics. As it happens, this strain is famous for its soothing and sedating effects. So it typifies the Indica stereotypes we’ve mentioned above.

Related post: Orange Cookies Weed Information

Potent THC Carrier

If you want to know the effect a strain will have on you as the consumer, check its cannabinoid profile. The main two components you’ll have to worry about are THC and CBD. Since this strain contains the usual amount of CBD — just under 1% — we’ll focus on the psychoactive component.

According to most lab tests, plants in the Blackberry Kush strains contain between 14 and 18% THC. That amount of THC can be incredibly potent when mixed with the right flavor profile.

Fruity and Zesty Flavor Profile

As its name suggests, Blackberry Kush has a very aromatic, fruity essence. It also has a rather pungent fuel smell, which can make it difficult to grow inside. But what gives different cannabis strains their unique flavor profiles?

Most plants contain a multitude of aromatic compounds known as terpenes. These compounds are responsible for the way all plants, including cannabis, taste and smell. According to researchers, they also enhance the natural effects of plants, which is especially evident in cannabis strains. So what can we learn from the Blackberry Kush terpene profile?

Well, the most dominant aromatic note in this strain comes from a terpene that’s fairly common in cannabis plants — myrcene. That compound is what gives most cannabis plants their earthy, herbal scent that can be a bit overwhelming at times.

The strain also contains limonene, which accounts for the zesty taste and the soothing effects of the strain. Additionally, it also features caryophyllene to a lesser extent, which makes the strain slightly spicy as well. That terpene is probably the reason why this strain is so popular for people who are seeking pain relief. Its anti-inflammatory effects should reduce any pain and swelling you might be feeling.

Related post: Sour Banana Weed Information

What Does Smoking the Blackberry Kush Strain Feel Like?

Now that we know what makes the Blackberry Kush strain recognizable, let’s talk about what it’s like to smoke. According to most consumers, this strain has a very sedating, calming effect. With that in mind, we’re going to recommend that you only smoke it at night. Otherwise, you’d end up in a daze for most of your day.

In effect, you could use this strain to achieve relaxing, happy, and sleepy vibes. But if you don’t like the heady fuel flavor that features heavily in old-school strains, you may not like this one either. Still, the sweet and zesty berry notes may distract you enough to enjoy the beneficial effects of the strain.

Related post: Purple Afghani Weed Information

A Few Parting Words

The Blackberry Kush strain is a great fit for anyone looking to experience a full-body high one can only get from a potent Indica hybrid. Most people use the strain to relieve pain as well as treat insomnia. However, the euphoric feelings it induces also make it a good choice for those suffering from depression and anxiety.


Flo Strain: Get Your Groove On With DJ Short’s Marijuana Strain

If you wanted to smoke a light, fragrant bud, you couldn’t do better than DJ Short’s Flo strain. The plant is light and energizing, making it perfect for a morning puff or a midday pick-me-up. But what exactly makes this strain so great? That’s what we’re here to find out.

What Makes the Flo Strain Recognizable?

The Flo strain is most notable for winning the Cannabis Cup of 1996. It was made by the cannabis seed bank Dutch Passion and propagated by DJ Short. Later on, it was used to make other strains, often making the results refreshing and more palatable. Now let’s talk about what makes this strain such an iconic specimen.

Related article: Blackberry Kush Strain Review

It’s a Lively Hybrid Strain

The Flo strain is the result of crossing the Purple Thai Sativa with an Afghani Indica. The resulting plant is capable of being harvested multiple times, which is how it got its name — it creates an overflow of buds. Moreover, the buds in question are usually thick and pear-shaped with flecks of purple and orange throughout. The plant matures fairly quickly, growing tall and flowering within 55 days.

Now, there’s no telling how much of an influence the two parent strains had on this plant. However, we believe it’s safe to assume the Flo strain is about 60% Sativa, as some reports indicate.

Even though the Sativa and Indica dichotomy mostly refers to the shape of the plant, many users have noted differences in the effects the two strains give us. So the shorter Indica varieties usually have a more relaxing effect, while the taller Sativas are more energizing. That leads us to believe that Purple Thai is the dominant strain in Flo, even though hybrids often exhibit traits of both parent plants.

Of course, we can’t just look at a plant’s family tree — so to speak. We must take into account the unique mix of cannabinoids and terpenes it contains. So let’s see what those components can reveal about this stunning strain.

Related article: Orange Cookies Strain Review

It Has an Average Amount of THC

When it comes to cannabinoids, there are only two we need to concern ourselves with — THC and CBD. As we all know, THC is the main psychoactive component of cannabis, the thing that makes us high. Meanwhile, CBD is a lesser-known cannabinoid that mostly highlights a plant’s medicinal effects. So how much of these compounds does the Flo strain have?

Well, the original Flo strain that won the 1996 Cannabis Cup had up to 14% of THC and as little as 0.26% of CBD. Today, the plants in this strain have between 14 and 17% of THC, which is still the average amount most cannabis strains have. The CBD content has remained under 1%, so it’s basically negligible.

Even so, this strain has successfully been used to treat conditions like depression, anxiety, and even chronic pain disorders. However, that may have more to do with the mix of terpenes it contains than anything else.

Related article: Sour Banana Strain Review

It Has an Almost Fruity Aroma

The smell and taste of a cannabis plant are almost as important as its cannabinoid content, particularly when both THC and CBD are present in average or below-average amounts. So what determines those properties in this case?

As with most vegetation, the taste and smell of cannabis primarily come from terpenes. Each plant contains a complex mixture of different aromatic compounds that give it its unique flavor profile. These compounds can also contribute to the energizing or sedating effects that are grounded in the factors we’ve already mentioned.

In this case, the Flo strain has a piney and citrusy smell and taste, which means that it probably contains pinene and limonene. It likely also contains myrcene, a terpene that gives most cannabis strains their recognizable, earthy scent and taste. When you inhale this strain, though, you’ll probably get a hint of a minty aftertaste as well, indicating the presence of eucalyptol.

Related article: Purple Afghani Strain Review

What Is the Experience of Smoking DJ Short’s Flo Strain Like?

Now that we’ve gone through the whole table of contents, let’s talk about what all this means. From the top, we have established that the Flo strain is an incredibly convenient plant capable of flowering several times. Moreover, the buds are on the dry side, so you’ll be able to load them into a bowl without having a sticky mess on your hands.

The smell of the plant is a bit sour with a hint of mint and a faint citrusy aroma. However, the taste is sweet and soothing, a combination of citrus and pine. Overall, we’d wholeheartedly recommend this strain to those who are new to cannabis and just want a mild experience.

Most people who try Flo just become chatty and bubbly after a few hits. The plant works to relax the body and focus the mind, making it perfect for treating anxiety and depression. Additionally, some people have also successfully used Flo to control symptoms of ADHD and even bipolar disorder. Despite the low amount of CBD in the strain, it should also be able to alleviate migraines and joint pain.

A Few Parting Words

Overall, DJ Short’s Flo strain is perfect for those who want to experience a slight buzz without immediately succumbing to a nap. Since it contains a relatively low amount of THC, you’ll be able to smoke it all day long without losing your wits.


Health Benefits of CBD: How CBD Lends a Helping Hand

Because we all struggle with something, we’re always on the lookout for a cure-all, magical solution. Unfortunately, those don’t exist. Yet, considering the immense health benefits of CBD, it seems that this particular natural remedy comes really close.

CBD is one of many active compounds of the Cannabis Sativa plant. It doesn’t produce the ever-so-popular high that THC does. Still, it does help boost our natural endocannabinoid system, thus providing relief for many ailments.

Pain Relief

One of the main health benefits of CBD is pain relief and management. This can potentially be beneficial to everyone. We can use CBD oil for migraines & headaches, muscle soreness or as an after-workout pick-me-up. 

Because CBD interacts and boosts our body’s natural endocannabinoid system (ECS), it provides pain relief. ECS is a neural network that is in charge of specific receptors that bind or release cannabinoids. These cannabinoids, along with the rest of our endocrine system, manage our higher cortical functions, regulate our bodies, manage pain, inflammation, mood, etc. 

Consider the implications of this. People with severe conditions and diseases that come with chronic, life-changing pain often seek alternative pain relief options. Opioids work great, but they are addictive, and people quickly develop a tolerance.

Unlike those, CBD is an entirely natural, side-effect-free remedy that can help manage pain. 

Although CBD will manage all types of pain, it’s most beneficial for people with chronic pain due to:

  • arthritis (and rheumatoid arthritis)
  • severe muscle or spinal cord injuries
  • autoimmune diseases and motor diseases (MS, lupus, ALS)


If our bodies are harmed in any way (or our brains perceive them as such), the body’s natural response is inflammation. Our immune systems release immune cells to whatever area is harmed in order to protect it. Due to this, the area in question becomes red and swollen.

Inflammation usually means our body is doing its job. But when it’s chronic, it becomes a problem. Also, if the inflammation is prolonged without any need, it can damage our tissues. 

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties. That means it can boost the ECS and make our bodies reduce the immune system’s response, thus effectively diminishing inflammation of tissue and nerves.

Depression and Anxiety

Another of the fantastic health benefits of CBD is that it can affect our mood. We’re talking both short-term and long. That’s why CBD is an effective remedy for mood disorders.

CBD interacts with specific receptors in our brains. These receptors (CB1 and CB2) are vital parts of both our central and peripheral nervous systems. CBD interacts with them, thus influencing serotonin levels (among other things). 

Serotonin, the hormone of happiness, is responsible for reducing anxiety and depression. Most mood disorders go hand in hand with low serotonin levels, which is why their treatment is often focused on getting and keeping those levels up.

CBD boosts the production and release of this and other neurotransmitters. So, it effectively deals with stress, depression, and all forms of anxiety (PTSD, general anxiety, panic attacks, etc.).

Cancer Treatment Relief

Although the jury is still out on whether CBD can alleviate cancer symptoms, it can definitely help with the side-effects of treatment. Pain and inflammation, which we already mentioned, as well as low energy and nausea that are common side-effects of chemotherapy and other forms of cancer treatments, aren’t as pronounced when a person uses CBD.

There are also some studies that are trying to figure out if CBD can contribute to cell death of cancerous cells. Although the studies haven’t reached human-trial proportions yet, the preliminary results look promising.

Neuroprotective Properties

Similarly to the studies about cancer cell death, the ones that are researching neuroprotective properties of CBD are still in their infancy. 

Because CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, it might lend a helping hand with treating specific neurological disorders. Its benefits for patients with epilepsy have already been proven and documented, but researchers believe that CBD can also help with:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinson’s
  • MS

Studies done so far show that CBD can potentially diminish specific symptoms such as seizures, spasms, and neurodegeneration.

Read more: Best CBD Brands for Autism

A Few Parting Words

Overall, there are plenty of health benefits of CBD. This natural remedy is a low-risk, high-reward substance. It doesn’t have any toxic or addictive properties. That’s precisely why many people turn to it while seeking relief. There’s veeary little harm in trying, and the potential benefits are substantial.